The best place for the latest news on pleasure, sex and intersecting topics.

How To Deal with Sexual Rejection
Exploring the stories we tell ourselves about rejection and our worth, why being turned down hurts so much and how to deal with sexual rejection.

How do I access my desires when I don't know what I want?
Where did the idea come from that people should be experts at sex, to know exactly what they want before they’ve ever tried it and to communicate this with confidence? You can’t tell how good something is going to taste before you’ve tasted it, so why do we hold unrealistic expectations of ourselves when it comes to sex?

Exploring Your Sexual Fantasies
Many folks are missing physical and sexual connection with their partners right now. Yet solo sex is one of the safest thing you can do; and for many, fantasies are an important part of solo sex.

When You Don’t Feel Like Sex - And Why That’s Okay
The reasons some folks don’t want to have sex or don’t feel like being sexual are far reaching, pretty common and all valid. In this article we’ll take a look at some of the reasons why you or your partner(s) might not be feeling desire in the way you expect - and why that’s okay.