Supporting practitioners and health professionals to provide better sexual care services
Practitioner support and professional development
with Kassandra Mourikis (Sex & Relationship Therapist + Director and Founder of Pleasure Centred Sexology)
It’s well researched that primary care physicians and other health and wellness services (such as psychologists and physiotherapists) experience significant barriers to support the people they work with sensitive topics like sexual concerns. We also hear it from people that come into session with us; most clients have a story of feeling unheard, unsupported or dismissed by their health practitioner or where they wished their health professional asked about sex but didn’t.
We want to change that.
Some of these barriers revolve around professionals believing it isn’t their responsibility to ask about sexual wellbeing, not feeling equipped or confident to ask their clients or patients their sex and pleasure concerns, feeling they lack training or skills to assess and respond to sexual difficulties/dysfunctions as well as having too many competing issues and too little time to prioritise talking about sex.
There also seems to be barriers that touch based wellness services including physiotherapists, chiropractors, osteopaths, massage therapists and nurses may face when working with their clients and patients to support their bodily autonomy and consent, sometimes leaving clients feeling unsupported or re-traumatised in appointments when they have not explicitly communicated or ask for permission before touching or who did not screen, ask or assess about possible trauma beforehand and unintentionally triggers a client.
Despite these barriers, it is apparent that clients and patients want their primary care physicians and practitioners to respectfully and gently enquire about their sexual wellness and lead unbiased conversations that lead to increased support, such as discussing the potential sexual and pleasure side effects of medication or surgery or opening the door to exploring their worries about pleasure, sex and intimacy and options for support.
We want to support a wide range of health professionals to develop the skill sets and have access to resources to provide holistic care without neglecting essential aspects of your clients wellbeing including their experience of sex, pleasure, sexuality and consent.
We work with…
Those seeking professional development to better support their clients and patiences with sexual health concerns (including how to talk about sex with clients, how to assess sexual concerns and provide suitable support pathways for a range of different health professionals)
Practitioners and businesses looking to develop better consent practices (including how to talk to clients about consent, how to support bodily autonomy, develop intake forms and sexual history screenings, support people living with trauma and avoiding re-traumatisation)
Practitioners wanting to examine, challenge and relearn any bias, assumptions or stereotypes that might impact quality of care
Practitioners wanting to navigate imposter syndrome
Emerging professionals that want to build a sustainable business that aligns with their values and vision
We can assist you to confidently screen and support sexual difficulties such as…
Unwanted pelvic/genital or types of chronic pain that impact sex and pleasure
Anxiety and fear around sex and intimacy
Consent and bodily autonomy
Erectile dysfunction
Premature ejaculation
Concerning or compulsive porn use
Masturbation challenges
Performance anxiety
Anorgasmia/ preorgasmia
Sexual trauma
Desire discrepancy
Sexual arousal issues
Couples sex therapy approaches
Embodied and somatic practices
Nervous system regulation / polyvagal theory
We can help you to…
Develop your skills and tailored approaches
Access assessment tools and develop non-biased and non-judgemental guiding questions
Learn how to ask about sex and respond to common sexual questions
Practical considerations to being trauma-informed
Developing a trauma-informed, accessible and inclusive business or practice
Access tailored sexual history taking documents, intake forms and screening assessments
Worksheets, homework and take home practices
How to work with us
1 on 1 support
Kass offers 1:1 consulting, mentoring and professional development sessions for a standard 60minutes that can be extended to 75min or 90min appointments.
A standard 60minute appointment is $275 (including GST)
Appointments available in person at 2 Minona St, Hawthorn on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays or via Zoom, FaceTime or phone from Monday to Thursday. Morning, afternoon and evening appointments available.
Workshops and team learning
Complete the enquiry form below to book Kass for a tailored workshop or to offer professional development to your team.